Explorers are aged 14 years to 18 years.

Explorers are young people aged between fourteen and eighteen years. Explorer Scouts is the fourth section of the Scouting movement. Explorer Scouts often get the chance to work with other Explorer Scouts in their District or County, not just their own Unit, so can take part in an even wider spectrum of social and adventurous activities, with a range of other young people and qualified leaders.
There is also a range of ambitious badges and awards which are available to Explorers, through which they can demonstrate their proficiency and expand their interests and skills including The Queen’s Scout Award and the Duke of Edinburgh’s Scheme (DofE) – you can find out more about the DofE scheme here https://www.dofe.org/

Explorers can access their personal progress on the award on eDofE here: https://edofe.org/

Explorer Meetings

Phoenix Explorers – Monday 8:00pm – 9:30pm

The Explorer Scout Promise

On my Honour,
I promise that I will do my best,
To do my duty to God and to the Queen,
To help other people
And to keep the Scout Law.

The Explorer Scout Law

A Scout is to be trusted.
A Scout is loyal.
A Scout is friendly and considerate.
A Scout belongs to the world-wide family of Scouts.
A Scout has courage in all difficulties.
A Scout makes good use of time and is careful of possessions and property.
A Scout has self-respect and respect for others.

Explorer New Starters Form

If you fill out the form below our group secretary will get back to you


Child Registration

  • We acknowledge children may want to join us at varying stages. So we operate waiting lists for both 3 and 5 year olds.
  • Select date DD slash MM slash YYYY
  • Anything you may be wondering, ask away!
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