Waiting List

Your son or daughter’s name may be placed on our Group Waiting List if our sections are full.

You may also place your son or daughter’s name on the Squirrel Waiting List anytime after their 3rd birthday.

You may also place your son or daughter’s mane on the Beaver Waiting List anytime after their 5th birthday.

  • Once we have received the information needed we will send you an email to confirm they have been added
  • When a vacancy occurs it will be offered to the young person who is of age and top of the list.
  • If a specific night is required, then the wait may be longer.

For information we currently run

Squirrel meetings on Tuesday.
Beaver meetings on Monday, Wednesday or Thursday.
Cub meetings on Tuesday, Thursday or Friday.
Scout meetings on Wednesday or Friday.
Explorer meetings on Monday.


You can fill in the below form if you wish your child to be added to the waiting list: