Moving Up Timings

For those members who are moving up to the next section in Scouting at the February Half Term Break.

The 3 week transition will begin:  Week Commencing Monday 27th January 2025

(Details/Dates will be confirmed by your Section Leaders).

If you are unsure when your son/daughter is due to move up please speak to your Section Leader.

As young people move through Scouting we try to make the transition from one section to the next section as smooth as possible as we realise that this is a big step in a young persons life.

The term before the young person is due to move up to the next section the section leaders will speak to you about the choice of nights and options available.

We always try our very best to accommodate the young person in the section of their choice.  However at this point it is worth mentioning that numbers in our sections are capped to ensure meeting nights are run safely and to ensure that we have sufficient adults to support the children attending the meetings.  So on very rare occasions we may sometimes have to start a waiting list for those moving up to the next section.

To help with the transition we move young people up to the next section at the end of a term or a half term.

As a reminder the age when the young people move up to the next section is shown below:

Squirrels to Beavers           6 Years Old

Beavers to Cubs                  8 Years Old

Cubs to Scouts                    10 1/2 Years Old

Scouts to Explorers            14 Years Old

Explorers to Network         18 Years Old

We invite those moving up to participate in a 3 week transition period where they will attend both their current weekly section meetings and also attend their new weekly section meetings.  This gives them the opportunity to meet new members and find out what activities take place in their new section.

Moving Up Procedures – Uniform

Once they have completed this period they will be awarded, on their last night at their current section, their Moving On Award badge.  This badge is to be worn on their new section uniform.

(More information on uniform can be found here

Once the young person has joined their new section and purchased their new section top, the leader will arrange for them to be invested into their new section.  The Group neckerchief that the young person was given when they were first invested into the group is used at the investing ceremony.

At the short investiture ceremony we will provide the young person with a woggle and the relevant badges for their new uniform.  Please look after these items carefully, as any lost items will need to be replaced at a small cost to yourself.

Family members are very welcome to come along to watch the investiture ceremony.

Can we also remind you that if you wish to take any photos at investiture that you must first make sure that you ask the section leaders if you can take photos and can we please ask that you respect other members privacy by not taking photos of any other members in the group or include them in any photos that you are taking of your son / daughter.

If you have any questions or concerns about the moving up process, please feel free to speak to any section leader or contact us using the Contact Us page.