Online Scout Manager (OSM)
We use Online Scout Manager to manage personal details, badges, attendance and payments. It is also used to send out emails to parents containing invitations to events or camps.
You will be invited to join the OSM “Parent Portal”.
You will receive an email inviting you to set up an account.
Once you have set up an account you will then be able to check and update your child’s details (please be advised you will need to set up a new account when your child moves to a new section).
Once you are logged in, on the left-hand side under “My Child” you will see several headings:
Noticeboard – An area where your leaders can leave a message for its section members.
Payments – Under here there is a list of payments made by yourself, plus due and upcoming payments.
Events – Details of events that your child has been invited to and signed up to.
Badges – Details of badges that your child has completed or working towards.
Personal Details – This is where you can update all of your child’s details, medical details, allergies, dietary needs, emergency contact details, school, religion and provide your consent choices for photo publicity.
Emails – You can see all the emails that you have been sent to you by your section and by the group during the past 3 months.
Gift Aid – You can see/update your Gift Aid Declaration.
Guide to Online Payments
Message from Group Treasurer
Online Payments for Termly Subs and Activities
We use a system for our administration called Online Scout Manager (OSM) which offers us a facility that allows all parents the ability to pay for their son/daughter’s termly subscription fees and selected activities by an online payment method.
This facility is through a company called GoCardless. (GoCardless is sponsored by the Royal Bank of Scotland and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority).
You will be sent a Payment Request email via Online Scout Manager when a payment is due.
You will also be sent automatic reminders as the due date for payment approaches.
We have two different payment schedules:
Termly Subs – this is for all termly subscription fees.
Activities – this is for all events, camps and activities.
You will need to log into your Parent Portal Account.
Please see below a tutorial video which will hopefully help you through the payment process.
Parent Portal: Payments
The system operates in two modes:
• Pay Automatically – your direct debit will automatically be debited on the due date when there are payments needed for your child
• Pay Now – you have to approve each payment by logging into the payments area of your parent portal
Whether or not you choose to authorise each payment individually, or pay automatically for them all, you will be emailed each time a payment is needed and you’ll be able to cancel it if you want.
All payments are protected by the Direct Debit Guarantee.
If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact The Group Treasurer: [email protected]