Squirrels Scouts are young people aged between four and six years old. They are the youngest section within Scouting. They are easily recognised by their distinctive red sweatshirts.

Squirrels Scouts enjoy making friends, playing games, taking part in crafts, exploring the community, going on trips and helping others. They usually meet together once a week in a Squirrels Scout Drey.
Some Squirrels Scout Drey also organise Sleepovers. These are often the first time a young person spends a night away from home. They take place in suitable buildings, often Scout halls.

You can find out lots more here https://www.scouts.org.uk/squirrels/all-you-need-to-know/

Squirrels Meetings @ Alsager

Our Squirrel Drey meets on Tuesdays 17:30 – 18:30

The Squirrel Scout Promise

I promise to do my best
To be kind and helpful
And to love God.

Squirrel Scouts – New Starters Form / Waiting List

Your son or daughter’s name may be placed on our Squirrels Waiting List anytime after their 3rd birthday.

  • Once we have received the information needed we will send you an email to confirm they have been added
  • When a vacancy occurs we will contact you by email to offer your child a place. There will always be a deadline date for you to reply, so please reply promptly. Unfortunately, if you do not respond by the deadline date to reply, the place will be offered to another young person on the waiting list.
  • If your son/daughter does not get the opportunity to join Squirrels, then we will automatically transfer them over to the Beaver waiting list as they approach the age for Beavers.

You can fill in the below form if you wish your child to be added to the waiting list: